JPopupWindow.php 4.05 KB
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 * JPopupWindow class file.
 * @author Stefan Volkmar <>
 * @license BSD
 * @version 1.3

 * This widget encapsulates the popupWindow JQuery Plugin.
 * Takes a link and will create a popupwindow
 * ({@link}).
 * @author Stefan Volkmar <>

class JPopupWindow extends CWidget
	 * @var string Specifies the URL of the page to open.
     * If no URL is specified, a new window with about:blank is opened
    public $url;

	 * @var string Specifies the target attribute or the name of the window.
     * Defaults to "_blank"
     * The following values are supported:
     * - _blank - URL is loaded into a new window. This is default
     * - _parent - URL is loaded into the parent frame
     * - _self - URL replaces the current page
     * - _top - URL replaces any framesets that may be loaded
     * - name - The name of the window set from the name attribute of the
     *   element that invokes the click
    public $name="_blank";

	 * @var string the tag name of the generated HTML element
    public $tagName='a';
	 * @var string the content to be enclosed between open and close element tags.
    public $content;
	 * @var array the HTML attributes for the tag.
	public $htmlOptions=array();

	 * @var array the initial JavaScript options that should be passed to the plugin.
     * centerBrowser:0, // center window over browser window? {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. overrides top and left
     * centerScreen:0, // center window over entire screen? {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. overrides top and left
     * height:500, // sets the height in pixels of the window.
     * left:0, // left position when the window appears.
     * location:0, // determines whether the address bar is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
     * menubar:0, // determines whether the menu bar is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
     * resizable:0, // whether the window can be resized {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. Can also be overloaded using resizable.
     * scrollbars:0, // determines whether scrollbars appear on the window {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
     * status:0, // whether a status line appears at the bottom of the window {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
     * width:500, // sets the width in pixels of the window.
     * windowName:null, // name of window set from the name attribute of the element that invokes the click
     * windowURL:null, // url used for the popup
     * top:0, // top position when the window appears.
     * toolbar:0 // determines whether a toolbar (includes the forward and back buttons) is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}.
     * @see:
	public $options=array();

	 * Initializes the widget.
	 * This method registers all needed client scripts 
	public function init()

		if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id']))
			$id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];

        if ($this->url)

        if ($this->name)

      	$baseUrl = CHtml::asset(dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'assets');
        $jsFile = (YII_DEBUG)?'/js/jquery.popupWindow.js':'/js/jquery.popupWindow.min.js';
        $options=empty($this->options) ? '' : CJavaScript::encode($this->options);



	 * Generates a tag wich open a window by mouse click.
	public function run()
        $tag = strtolower($this->tagName);
        switch ($tag){
            case 'img':
            case 'br':
            case 'hr':
            case 'input':
                echo CHtml::openTag($tag, $this->htmlOptions)."\n";
                echo CHtml::tag($tag, $this->htmlOptions, $this->content)."\n";