SiteController.php 3.19 KB
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class SiteController extends CController implements IWebServiceProvider
	 * Declares the 'phonebook' Web service action.
	public function actions()
		return array(

	 * This is the default action that displays the phonebook Flex client.
	public function actionIndex()

	 * This action serves as a SOAP client to test the phonebook Web service.
	public function actionTest()
		$client=new SoapClient($wsdlUrl);
		echo "<pre>";
		echo "login...\n";
		echo "fetching all contacts\n";
		echo "\ninserting a new contact...";
		$contact=new Contact;
		$contact->name='Tester Name';
		echo "done\n\n";
		echo "fetching all contacts\n";
		echo "</pre>";

	 * This method is required by IWebServiceProvider.
	 * It makes sure the user is logged in before making changes to data.
	 * @param CWebService the currently requested Web service.
	 * @return boolean whether the remote method should be executed.
	public function beforeWebMethod($service)
		if(!Yii::app()->user->isGuest || preg_match($pattern,$service->methodName))
			return true;
			throw new CException('Login required.');

	 * This method is required by IWebServiceProvider.
	 * @param CWebService the currently requested Web service.
	public function afterWebMethod($service)

	/*** The following methods are Web service APIs ***/

	 * @param string username
	 * @param string password
	 * @return boolean whether login is valid
	 * @soap
	public function login($username,$password)
		$identity=new UserIdentity($username,$password);
		return $identity->isAuthenticated;

	 * Returns all contact records.
	 * @return Contact[] the contact records
	 * @soap
	public function getContacts()
		return Contact::model()->findAll();

	 * Updates or inserts a contact.
	 * If the ID is null, an insertion will be performed;
	 * Otherwise it updates the existing one.
	 * @param Contact contact model
	 * @return boolean whether saving is successful
	 * @soap
	public function saveContact($contact)
		if($contact->id > 0) // update
				return $oldContact->save();
				return false;
		else // insert
			return $contact->save();

	 * Deletes the specified contact record.
	 * @param integer ID of the contact to be deleted
	 * @return integer number of records deleted
	 * @soap
	public function deleteContact($id)
		return Contact::model()->deleteByPk($id);