main.php 1.99 KB
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 * The following variables are available in this template:
 * - $this: the CrudCode object
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
		<title><?php echo '<?php echo CHtml::encode($this->pageTitle); ?>'; ?></title>
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo '<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?>'; ?>/css/web-app-theme/base.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
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		<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo '<?php echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl; ?>'; ?>/css/web-app-theme/override.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
		<div id="container">
			<div id="header">
					<a href="<?php echo '<?php echo Yii::app()->homeUrl; ?>'; ?>"><?php echo '<?php echo Yii::app()->name; ?>'; ?></a>
				<div id="user-navigation">
					<?php echo '<?php'; ?> $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array(
						'items' => array(
							array('label' => 'Home', 'url' => Yii::app()->homeUrl),
							array('label' => 'Logout', 'url' => array('/site/logout'), 'linkOptions' => array('class' => 'logout'), 'visible' => !Yii::app()->user->isGuest),
						'htmlOptions' => array(
							'class' => 'wat-cf',
					)); ?>
				<div id="main-navigation">
					<?php echo '<?php'; ?> $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array(
						'items' => array(
							// Place menu items here, first item should have class 'first' (use 'itemOptions' => array('class' => 'first'))
						'htmlOptions' => array(
							'class' => 'wat-cf',
					)); ?>
			<div id="wrapper" class="wat-cf">
				<?php echo '<?php'; ?> echo $content; ?>