CUniqueValidator.php 5.23 KB
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 * CUniqueValidator class file.
 * @author Qiang Xue <>
 * @link
 * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC
 * @license

 * CUniqueValidator validates that the attribute value is unique in the corresponding database table.
 * When using the {@link message} property to define a custom error message, the message
 * may contain additional placeholders that will be replaced with the actual content. In addition
 * to the "{attribute}" placeholder, recognized by all validators (see {@link CValidator}),
 * CUniqueValidator allows for the following placeholders to be specified:
 * <ul>
 * <li>{value}: replaced with current value of the attribute.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Qiang Xue <>
 * @package system.validators
 * @since 1.0
class CUniqueValidator extends CValidator
	 * @var boolean whether the comparison is case sensitive. Defaults to true.
	 * Note, by setting it to false, you are assuming the attribute type is string.
	public $caseSensitive=true;
	 * @var boolean whether the attribute value can be null or empty. Defaults to true,
	 * meaning that if the attribute is empty, it is considered valid.
	public $allowEmpty=true;
	 * @var string the ActiveRecord class name that should be used to
	 * look for the attribute value being validated. Defaults to null, meaning using
	 * the class of the object currently being validated.
	 * You may use path alias to reference a class name here.
	 * @see attributeName
	public $className;
	 * @var string the ActiveRecord class attribute name that should be
	 * used to look for the attribute value being validated. Defaults to null,
	 * meaning using the name of the attribute being validated.
	 * @see className
	public $attributeName;
	 * @var mixed additional query criteria. Either an array or CDbCriteria.
	 * This will be combined with the condition that checks if the attribute
	 * value exists in the corresponding table column.
	 * This array will be used to instantiate a {@link CDbCriteria} object.
	public $criteria=array();
	 * @var string the user-defined error message. The placeholders "{attribute}" and "{value}"
	 * are recognized, which will be replaced with the actual attribute name and value, respectively.
	public $message;
	 * @var boolean whether this validation rule should be skipped if when there is already a validation
	 * error for the current attribute. Defaults to true.
	 * @since 1.1.1
	public $skipOnError=true;

	 * Validates the attribute of the object.
	 * If there is any error, the error message is added to the object.
	 * @param CModel $object the object being validated
	 * @param string $attribute the attribute being validated
	 * @throws CException if given table does not have specified column name
	protected function validateAttribute($object,$attribute)
		if($this->allowEmpty && $this->isEmpty($value))

			$this->addError($object,$attribute,Yii::t('yii','{attribute} is invalid.'));

			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Table "{table}" does not have a column named "{column}".',

		$criteria=new CDbCriteria();
		$tableAlias = empty($criteria->alias) ? $finder->getTableAlias(true) : $criteria->alias;
		$valueParamName = CDbCriteria::PARAM_PREFIX.CDbCriteria::$paramCount++;
		$criteria->addCondition($this->caseSensitive ? "{$tableAlias}.{$columnName}={$valueParamName}" : "LOWER({$tableAlias}.{$columnName})=LOWER({$valueParamName})");
		$criteria->params[$valueParamName] = $value;

		if(!$object instanceof CActiveRecord || $object->isNewRecord || $object->tableName()!==$finder->tableName())
				if($column->isPrimaryKey)  // primary key is modified and not unique
					// non-primary key, need to exclude the current record based on PK

			$message=$this->message!==null?$this->message:Yii::t('yii','{attribute} "{value}" has already been taken.');
	 * Given active record class name returns new model instance.
	 * @param string $className active record class name.
	 * @return CActiveRecord active record model instance.
	 * @since 1.1.14
	protected function getModel($className)
		return CActiveRecord::model($className);