CFileHelper.php 15.6 KB
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 * CFileHelper class file.
 * @author Qiang Xue <>
 * @link
 * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC
 * @license

 * CFileHelper provides a set of helper methods for common file system operations.
 * @author Qiang Xue <>
 * @package system.utils
 * @since 1.0
class CFileHelper
	 * Returns the extension name of a file path.
	 * For example, the path "path/to/something.php" would return "php".
	 * @param string $path the file path
	 * @return string the extension name without the dot character.
	 * @since 1.1.2
	public static function getExtension($path)
		return pathinfo($path,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

	 * Copies a directory recursively as another.
	 * If the destination directory does not exist, it will be created recursively.
	 * @param string $src the source directory
	 * @param string $dst the destination directory
	 * @param array $options options for directory copy. Valid options are:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>fileTypes: array, list of file name suffix (without dot). Only files with these suffixes will be copied.</li>
	 * <li>exclude: array, list of directory and file exclusions. Each exclusion can be either a name or a path.
	 * If a file or directory name or path matches the exclusion, it will not be copied. For example, an exclusion of
	 * '.svn' will exclude all files and directories whose name is '.svn'. And an exclusion of '/a/b' will exclude
	 * file or directory '$src/a/b'. Note, that '/' should be used as separator regardless of the value of the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant.
	 * </li>
	 * <li>level: integer, recursion depth, default=-1.
	 * Level -1 means copying all directories and files under the directory;
	 * Level 0 means copying only the files DIRECTLY under the directory;
	 * level N means copying those directories that are within N levels.
 	 * </li>
	 * <li>newDirMode - the permission to be set for newly copied directories (defaults to 0777);</li>
	 * <li>newFileMode - the permission to be set for newly copied files (defaults to the current environment setting).</li>
	 * </ul>
	public static function copyDirectory($src,$dst,$options=array())


	 * Removes a directory recursively.
	 * @param string $directory to be deleted recursively.
	 * @param array $options for the directory removal. Valid options are:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>traverseSymlinks: boolean, whether symlinks to the directories should be traversed too.
	 * Defaults to `false`, meaning that the content of the symlinked directory would not be deleted.
	 * Only symlink would be removed in that default case.</li>
	 * </ul>
	 * Note, options parameter is available since 1.1.16
	 * @since 1.1.14
	public static function removeDirectory($directory,$options=array())
		$items=glob($directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'{,.}*',GLOB_MARK | GLOB_BRACE);
		foreach($items as $item)
			if(basename($item)=='.' || basename($item)=='..')
				if(!$options['traverseSymlinks'] && is_link(rtrim($item,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)))

	 * Returns the files found under the specified directory and subdirectories.
	 * @param string $dir the directory under which the files will be looked for
	 * @param array $options options for file searching. Valid options are:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>fileTypes: array, list of file name suffix (without dot). Only files with these suffixes will be returned.</li>
	 * <li>exclude: array, list of directory and file exclusions. Each exclusion can be either a name or a path.
	 * If a file or directory name or path matches the exclusion, it will not be copied. For example, an exclusion of
	 * '.svn' will exclude all files and directories whose name is '.svn'. And an exclusion of '/a/b' will exclude
	 * file or directory '$src/a/b'. Note, that '/' should be used as separator regardless of the value of the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant.
	 * </li>
	 * <li>level: integer, recursion depth, default=-1.
	 * Level -1 means searching for all directories and files under the directory;
	 * Level 0 means searching for only the files DIRECTLY under the directory;
	 * level N means searching for those directories that are within N levels.
 	 * </li>
 	 * <li>absolutePaths: boolean, whether to return absolute paths or relative ones, defaults to true.</li>
	 * </ul>
	 * @return array files found under the directory. The file list is sorted.
	public static function findFiles($dir,$options=array())
		return $list;

	 * Copies a directory.
	 * This method is mainly used by {@link copyDirectory}.
	 * @param string $src the source directory
	 * @param string $dst the destination directory
	 * @param string $base the path relative to the original source directory
	 * @param array $fileTypes list of file name suffix (without dot). Only files with these suffixes will be copied.
	 * @param array $exclude list of directory and file exclusions. Each exclusion can be either a name or a path.
	 * If a file or directory name or path matches the exclusion, it will not be copied. For example, an exclusion of
	 * '.svn' will exclude all files and directories whose name is '.svn'. And an exclusion of '/a/b' will exclude
	 * file or directory '$src/a/b'. Note, that '/' should be used as separator regardless of the value of the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant.
	 * @param integer $level recursion depth. It defaults to -1.
	 * Level -1 means copying all directories and files under the directory;
	 * Level 0 means copying only the files DIRECTLY under the directory;
	 * level N means copying those directories that are within N levels.
	 * @param array $options additional options. The following options are supported:
	 * newDirMode - the permission to be set for newly copied directories (defaults to 0777);
	 * newFileMode - the permission to be set for newly copied files (defaults to the current environment setting).
	 * @throws Exception
	protected static function copyDirectoryRecursive($src,$dst,$base,$fileTypes,$exclude,$level,$options)

			throw new Exception('Unable to open directory: ' . $src);
			if($file==='.' || $file==='..')

	 * Returns the files found under the specified directory and subdirectories.
	 * This method is mainly used by {@link findFiles}.
	 * @param string $dir the source directory
	 * @param string $base the path relative to the original source directory
	 * @param array $fileTypes list of file name suffix (without dot). Only files with these suffixes will be returned.
	 * @param array $exclude list of directory and file exclusions. Each exclusion can be either a name or a path.
	 * If a file or directory name or path matches the exclusion, it will not be copied. For example, an exclusion of
	 * '.svn' will exclude all files and directories whose name is '.svn'. And an exclusion of '/a/b' will exclude
	 * file or directory '$src/a/b'. Note, that '/' should be used as separator regardless of the value of the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant.
	 * @param integer $level recursion depth. It defaults to -1.
	 * Level -1 means searching for all directories and files under the directory;
	 * Level 0 means searching for only the files DIRECTLY under the directory;
	 * level N means searching for those directories that are within N levels.
	 * @param boolean $absolutePaths whether to return absolute paths or relative ones
	 * @return array files found under the directory.
	 * @throws Exception
	protected static function findFilesRecursive($dir,$base,$fileTypes,$exclude,$level,$absolutePaths)
			throw new Exception('Unable to open directory: ' . $dir);
			if($file==='.' || $file==='..')
		return $list;

	 * Validates a file or directory.
	 * @param string $base the path relative to the original source directory
	 * @param string $file the file or directory name
	 * @param boolean $isFile whether this is a file
	 * @param array $fileTypes list of valid file name suffixes (without dot).
	 * @param array $exclude list of directory and file exclusions. Each exclusion can be either a name or a path.
	 * If a file or directory name or path matches the exclusion, false will be returned. For example, an exclusion of
	 * '.svn' will return false for all files and directories whose name is '.svn'. And an exclusion of '/a/b' will return false for
	 * file or directory '$src/a/b'. Note, that '/' should be used as separator regardless of the value of the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant.
	 * @return boolean whether the file or directory is valid
	protected static function validatePath($base,$file,$isFile,$fileTypes,$exclude)
		foreach($exclude as $e)
			if($file===$e || strpos($base.'/'.$file,$e)===0)
				return false;
		if(!$isFile || empty($fileTypes))
			return true;
			return in_array($type,$fileTypes);
			return false;

	 * Determines the MIME type of the specified file.
	 * This method will attempt the following approaches in order:
	 * <ol>
	 * <li>finfo</li>
	 * <li>mime_content_type</li>
	 * <li>{@link getMimeTypeByExtension}, when $checkExtension is set true.</li>
	 * </ol>
	 * @param string $file the file name.
	 * @param string $magicFile name of a magic database file, usually something like /path/to/magic.mime.
	 * This will be passed as the second parameter to {@link finfo_open}.
	 * Magic file format described in {@link man 5 magic}, note that this file does not
	 * contain a standard PHP array as you might suppose. Specified magic file will be used only when fileinfo
	 * PHP extension is available. This parameter has been available since version 1.1.3.
	 * @param boolean $checkExtension whether to check the file extension in case the MIME type cannot be determined
	 * based on finfo and mime_content_type. Defaults to true. This parameter has been available since version 1.1.4.
	 * @return string the MIME type. Null is returned if the MIME type cannot be determined.
	public static function getMimeType($file,$magicFile=null,$checkExtension=true)
			$info=$magicFile===null ? finfo_open($options) : finfo_open($options,$magicFile);

			if($info && ($result=finfo_file($info,$file))!==false)
				return $result;

		if(function_exists('mime_content_type') && ($result=mime_content_type($file))!==false)
			return $result;

		return $checkExtension ? self::getMimeTypeByExtension($file) : null;

	 * Determines the MIME type based on the extension name of the specified file.
	 * This method will use a local map between extension name and MIME type.
	 * @param string $file the file name.
	 * @param string $magicFile the path of the file that contains all available MIME type information.
	 * If this is not set, the default 'system.utils.mimeTypes' file will be used.
	 * This parameter has been available since version 1.1.3.
	 * @return string the MIME type. Null is returned if the MIME type cannot be determined.
	public static function getMimeTypeByExtension($file,$magicFile=null)
		static $extensions,$customExtensions=array();
		if($magicFile===null && $extensions===null)
		elseif($magicFile!==null && !isset($customExtensions[$magicFile]))
			if($magicFile===null && isset($extensions[$ext]))
				return $extensions[$ext];
			elseif($magicFile!==null && isset($customExtensions[$magicFile][$ext]))
				return $customExtensions[$magicFile][$ext];
		return null;

	 * Determines the file extension name based on its MIME type.
	 * This method will use a local map between MIME type and extension name.
	 * @param string $file the file name.
	 * @param string $magicFile the path of the file that contains all available extension information.
	 * If this is not set, the default 'system.utils.fileExtensions' file will be used.
	 * This parameter has been available since version 1.1.16.
	 * @return string extension name. Null is returned if the extension cannot be determined.
	public static function getExtensionByMimeType($file,$magicFile=null)
		static $mimeTypes,$customMimeTypes=array();
		if($magicFile===null && $mimeTypes===null)
		elseif($magicFile!==null && !isset($customMimeTypes[$magicFile]))
			if($magicFile===null && isset($mimeTypes[$mime]))
				return $mimeTypes[$mime];
			elseif($magicFile!==null && isset($customMimeTypes[$magicFile][$mime]))
				return $customMimeTypes[$magicFile][$mime];
		return null;

	 * Shared environment safe version of mkdir. Supports recursive creation.
	 * For avoidance of umask side-effects chmod is used.
	 * @param string $dst path to be created
	 * @param integer $mode the permission to be set for newly created directories, if not set - 0777 will be used
	 * @param boolean $recursive whether to create directory structure recursive if parent dirs do not exist
	 * @return boolean result of mkdir
	 * @see mkdir
	public static function createDirectory($dst,$mode=null,$recursive=false)
		if($recursive && !is_dir($dst) && !is_dir($prevDir))
		$res=mkdir($dst, $mode);
		return $res;