BootSelGridView.php 3.45 KB
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* BootSelGridView v2.3
* for usage with twitter bootstrap Yii components
* BootSelGridView remembers selected rows of gridview when sorting or navigating by pages. Also it can select particular rows by GET param when page is loading
* to highlignh selection add this code to your css:
* table.table tr.selected td, table.table tr.selected:hover td {
*    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #BCE774;
* }


class BootSelGridView extends TbGridView
    * GET param name to pass selected row(s)
    * @var mixed
    public $selVar;

    public $selBaseScriptUrl;

    public function init()
        if($this->selectableRows > 0) {
            //generate name of variable for selection from request
            if(empty($this->selVar)) {
                $id = $this->dataProvider->getId();
                if(empty($id)) $id = $this->id;
                $this->selVar = (empty($id)) ? 'sel' : $id.'_sel';
            //publish required assets
                $this->selBaseScriptUrl = Yii::app()->getAssetManager()->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext.selgridview.assets'));


    * Creates column objects and initializes them. 
    * Automatically add hidden checkbox column.
    protected function initColumns()

        if($this->selectableRows == 0) return;

        //define primaryKey expression
        if($this->dataProvider instanceOf CActiveDataProvider) {
            $primaryKey = '$data->primaryKey';
        } else {
            $primaryKey = '$data["'.$this->dataProvider->keyField.'"]';

        $checkedExpression = 'isset($_GET["'.$this->selVar.'"]) ? in_array('.$primaryKey.', is_array($_GET["'.$this->selVar.'"]) ? $_GET["'.$this->selVar.'"] : array($_GET["'.$this->selVar.'"])) : false;';

        //if gridview already has user defined Checkbox column --> set "checked" and exit
        //thanks to Horacio Segura
        foreach($this->columns as $col) {
            if($col instanceof CCheckBoxColumn) {
                $col->checked = $checkedExpression;

        //creating hidden checkbox column
        $checkboxColumn = new CCheckBoxColumn($this);   
        $checkboxColumn->checked = $checkedExpression;
        $checkboxColumn->htmlOptions = array('style'=>'display:none');
        $checkboxColumn->headerHtmlOptions = array('style'=>'display:none');

        $this->columns[] = $checkboxColumn;

    * Registers necessary client scripts. 
    * Automaticlly prepend user's beforeajaxUpdate with needed code that will modify GET params when navigating and sorting
    public function registerClientScript()

        if($this->selectableRows > 0) {
            $id = $this->getId();


