JPhpMailer.php 899 Bytes
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 * JPhpMailer class file.
 * @version alpha 2 (2010-6-3 16:42)
 * @author jerry2801 <>
 * @required PHPMailer v5.1
 * A typical usage of JPhpMailer is as follows:
 * <pre>
 * Yii::import('ext.phpmailer.JPhpMailer');
 * $mail=new JPhpMailer;
 * $mail->IsSMTP();
 * $mail->Host='';
 * $mail->SMTPAuth=true;
 * $mail->Username='yourname@yourdomain';
 * $mail->Password='yourpassword';
 * $mail->SetFrom('','First Last');
 * $mail->Subject='PHPMailer Test Subject via smtp, basic with authentication';
 * $mail->AltBody='To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!';
 * $mail->MsgHTML('<h1>JUST A TEST!</h1>');
 * $mail->AddAddress('','John Doe');
 * $mail->Send();
 * </pre>

require_once dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class.phpmailer.php';

class JPhpMailer extends PHPMailer