<?php /* This script prints out details of any TrueType collection font files in your font directory. Files ending wih .otc are examined. Point your browser to http://your.domain/your_path_to _mpdf/utils/font_collections.php By default this will examine the folder /ttfonts/ (or the default font directory defined by _MPDF_TTFONTPATH. You can optionally define an alternative folder to examine by setting the variable below (must be a relative path, or filesystem path): */ $checkdir = ''; ////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////// ini_set("memory_limit","256M"); define('_MPDF_PATH','../'); include("../mpdf.php"); $mpdf=new mPDF(''); if ($checkdir) { $ttfdir = $checkdir; } else { $ttfdir = _MPDF_TTFONTPATH; } $mqr=ini_get("magic_quotes_runtime"); if ($mqr) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } if (!class_exists('TTFontFile', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH .'classes/ttfontsuni.php'); } $ttf = new TTFontFile(); $ff = scandir($ttfdir); echo '<h3>Font collection files found in '.$ttfdir.' directory</h3>'; foreach($ff AS $f) { $ret = array(); if (strtolower(substr($f,-4,4))=='.ttc' || strtolower(substr($f,-4,4))=='.ttcf') { // Mac ttcf $ttf->getTTCFonts($ttfdir.$f); $nf = $ttf->numTTCFonts; echo '<p>Font collection file ('.$f.') contains the following fonts:</p>'; for ($i=1; $i<=$nf; $i++) { $ret = $ttf->extractCoreInfo($ttfdir.$f, $i); $tfname = $ret[0]; $bold = $ret[1]; $italic = $ret[2]; $fname = strtolower($tfname ); $fname = preg_replace('/[ ()]/','',$fname ); $style = ''; if ($bold) { $style .= 'Bold'; } if ($italic) { $style .= 'Italic'; } if (!$style) { $style = 'Regular'; } echo '<div>['.$i.'] '.$tfname.' ('.$fname.') '.$style.'</div>'; } echo '<hr />'; } } exit; ?>