<?php class SiteController extends CController implements IWebServiceProvider { /** * Declares the 'phonebook' Web service action. */ public function actions() { return array( 'phonebook'=>array( 'class'=>'CWebServiceAction', 'classMap'=>array( 'Contact', ), ), ); } /** * This is the default action that displays the phonebook Flex client. */ public function actionIndex() { $this->render('index'); } /** * This action serves as a SOAP client to test the phonebook Web service. */ public function actionTest() { $wsdlUrl=Yii::app()->request->hostInfo.$this->createUrl('phonebook'); $client=new SoapClient($wsdlUrl); echo "<pre>"; echo "login...\n"; $client->login('demo','demo'); echo "fetching all contacts\n"; print_r($client->getContacts()); echo "\ninserting a new contact..."; $contact=new Contact; $contact->name='Tester Name'; $contact->phone='123-123-1234'; $client->saveContact($contact); echo "done\n\n"; echo "fetching all contacts\n"; print_r($client->getContacts()); echo "</pre>"; } /** * This method is required by IWebServiceProvider. * It makes sure the user is logged in before making changes to data. * @param CWebService the currently requested Web service. * @return boolean whether the remote method should be executed. */ public function beforeWebMethod($service) { $safeMethods=array( 'login', 'getContacts', ); $pattern='/^('.implode('|',$safeMethods).')$/i'; if(!Yii::app()->user->isGuest || preg_match($pattern,$service->methodName)) return true; else throw new CException('Login required.'); } /** * This method is required by IWebServiceProvider. * @param CWebService the currently requested Web service. */ public function afterWebMethod($service) { } /*** The following methods are Web service APIs ***/ /** * @param string username * @param string password * @return boolean whether login is valid * @soap */ public function login($username,$password) { $identity=new UserIdentity($username,$password); if($identity->authenticate()) Yii::app()->user->login($identity); return $identity->isAuthenticated; } /** * Returns all contact records. * @return Contact[] the contact records * @soap */ public function getContacts() { return Contact::model()->findAll(); } /** * Updates or inserts a contact. * If the ID is null, an insertion will be performed; * Otherwise it updates the existing one. * @param Contact contact model * @return boolean whether saving is successful * @soap */ public function saveContact($contact) { if($contact->id > 0) // update { $contact->isNewRecord=false; if(($oldContact=Contact::model()->findByPk($contact->id))!==null) { $oldContact->attributes=$contact->attributes; return $oldContact->save(); } else return false; } else // insert { $contact->isNewRecord=true; $contact->id=null; return $contact->save(); } } /** * Deletes the specified contact record. * @param integer ID of the contact to be deleted * @return integer number of records deleted * @soap */ public function deleteContact($id) { return Contact::model()->deleteByPk($id); } }