/*! Copyright (c) 2013 Brandon Aaron (http://brandon.aaron.sh)
 * Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt).
 * Version 3.0.1
 * Requires jQuery >= 1.2.6

(function (factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
        define(['jquery'], factory);
    } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
        // Node/CommonJS style for Browserify
        module.exports = factory;
    } else {
        // Browser globals
}(function ($) {
    $.fn.bgiframe = function(s) {
        s = $.extend({
            top         : 'auto', // auto == borderTopWidth
            left        : 'auto', // auto == borderLeftWidth
            width       : 'auto', // auto == offsetWidth
            height      : 'auto', // auto == offsetHeight
            opacity     : true,
            src         : 'javascript:false;',
            conditional : /MSIE 6\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent) // expresion or function. return false to prevent iframe insertion
        }, s);

        // wrap conditional in a function if it isn't already
        if (!$.isFunction(s.conditional)) {
            var condition = s.conditional;
            s.conditional = function() { return condition; };

        var $iframe = $('<iframe class="bgiframe"frameborder="0"tabindex="-1"src="'+s.src+'"'+

        return this.each(function() {
            var $this = $(this);
            if ( s.conditional(this) === false ) { return; }
            var existing = $this.children('iframe.bgiframe');
            var $el = existing.length === 0 ? $iframe.clone() : existing;
                'top': s.top == 'auto' ?
                    ((parseInt($this.css('borderTopWidth'),10)||0)*-1)+'px' : prop(s.top),
                'left': s.left == 'auto' ?
                    ((parseInt($this.css('borderLeftWidth'),10)||0)*-1)+'px' : prop(s.left),
                'width': s.width == 'auto' ? (this.offsetWidth + 'px') : prop(s.width),
                'height': s.height == 'auto' ? (this.offsetHeight + 'px') : prop(s.height),
                'opacity': s.opacity === true ? 0 : undefined

            if ( existing.length === 0 ) {

    // old alias
    $.fn.bgIframe = $.fn.bgiframe;

    function prop(n) {
        return n && n.constructor === Number ? n + 'px' : n;
