<?php /** * CWinCache class file * * @author Alexander Makarov <sam@rmcreative.ru> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CWinCache implements a cache application component based on {@link http://www.iis.net/expand/wincacheforphp WinCache}. * * To use this application component, the WinCache PHP extension must be loaded. * * See {@link CCache} manual for common cache operations that are supported by CWinCache. * * @author Alexander Makarov <sam@rmcreative.ru> * @package system.caching * @since 1.1.2 */ class CWinCache extends CCache { /** * Initializes this application component. * This method is required by the {@link IApplicationComponent} interface. * It checks the availability of WinCache extension and WinCache user cache. * @throws CException if WinCache extension is not loaded or user cache is disabled */ public function init() { parent::init(); if(!extension_loaded('wincache')) throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'CWinCache requires PHP wincache extension to be loaded.')); if(!ini_get('wincache.ucenabled')) throw new CException(Yii::t('yii', 'CWinCache user cache is disabled. Please set wincache.ucenabled to On in your php.ini.')); } /** * Retrieves a value from cache with a specified key. * This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class. * @param string $key a unique key identifying the cached value * @return string|boolean the value stored in cache, false if the value is not in the cache or expired. */ protected function getValue($key) { return wincache_ucache_get($key); } /** * Retrieves multiple values from cache with the specified keys. * @param array $keys a list of keys identifying the cached values * @return array a list of cached values indexed by the keys */ protected function getValues($keys) { return wincache_ucache_get($keys); } /** * Stores a value identified by a key in cache. * This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class. * * @param string $key the key identifying the value to be cached * @param string $value the value to be cached * @param integer $expire the number of seconds in which the cached value will expire. 0 means never expire. * @return boolean true if the value is successfully stored into cache, false otherwise */ protected function setValue($key,$value,$expire) { return wincache_ucache_set($key,$value,$expire); } /** * Stores a value identified by a key into cache if the cache does not contain this key. * This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class. * * @param string $key the key identifying the value to be cached * @param string $value the value to be cached * @param integer $expire the number of seconds in which the cached value will expire. 0 means never expire. * @return boolean true if the value is successfully stored into cache, false otherwise */ protected function addValue($key,$value,$expire) { return wincache_ucache_add($key,$value,$expire); } /** * Deletes a value with the specified key from cache * This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class. * @param string $key the key of the value to be deleted * @return boolean if no error happens during deletion */ protected function deleteValue($key) { return wincache_ucache_delete($key); } /** * Deletes all values from cache. * This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class. * @return boolean whether the flush operation was successful. * @since 1.1.5 */ protected function flushValues() { return wincache_ucache_clear(); } }