<?php /** * CViewRenderer class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CViewRenderer is the base class for view renderer classes. * * A view renderer is an application component that renders views written * in a customized syntax. * * Once installing a view renderer as a 'viewRenderer' application component, * the normal view rendering process will be intercepted by the renderer. * The renderer will first parse the source view file and then render the * the resulting view file. * * Parsing results are saved as temporary files that may be stored * under the application runtime directory or together with the source view file. * * @author Steve Heyns http://customgothic.com/ * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package system.web.renderers * @since 1.0 */ abstract class CViewRenderer extends CApplicationComponent implements IViewRenderer { /** * @var boolean whether to store the parsing results in the application's * runtime directory. Defaults to true. If false, the parsing results will * be saved as files under the same directory as the source view files and the * file names will be the source file names appended with letter 'c'. */ public $useRuntimePath=true; /** * @var integer the chmod permission for temporary directories and files * generated during parsing. Defaults to 0755 (owner rwx, group rx and others rx). */ public $filePermission=0755; /** * @var string the extension name of the view file. Defaults to '.php'. */ public $fileExtension='.php'; /** * Parses the source view file and saves the results as another file. * @param string $sourceFile the source view file path * @param string $viewFile the resulting view file path */ abstract protected function generateViewFile($sourceFile,$viewFile); /** * Renders a view file. * This method is required by {@link IViewRenderer}. * @param CBaseController $context the controller or widget who is rendering the view file. * @param string $sourceFile the view file path * @param mixed $data the data to be passed to the view * @param boolean $return whether the rendering result should be returned * @return mixed the rendering result, or null if the rendering result is not needed. * @throws CException */ public function renderFile($context,$sourceFile,$data,$return) { if(!is_file($sourceFile) || ($file=realpath($sourceFile))===false) throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','View file "{file}" does not exist.',array('{file}'=>$sourceFile))); $viewFile=$this->getViewFile($sourceFile); if(@filemtime($sourceFile)>@filemtime($viewFile)) { $this->generateViewFile($sourceFile,$viewFile); @chmod($viewFile,$this->filePermission); } return $context->renderInternal($viewFile,$data,$return); } /** * Generates the resulting view file path. * @param string $file source view file path * @return string resulting view file path */ protected function getViewFile($file) { if($this->useRuntimePath) { $crc=sprintf('%x', crc32(get_class($this).Yii::getVersion().dirname($file))); $viewFile=Yii::app()->getRuntimePath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'views'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$crc.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($file); if(!is_file($viewFile)) @mkdir(dirname($viewFile),$this->filePermission,true); return $viewFile; } else return $file.'c'; } }