<?php /** * CArrayDataProvider class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CArrayDataProvider implements a data provider based on a raw data array. * * The {@link rawData} property contains all data that may be sorted and/or paginated. * CArrayDataProvider will supply the data after sorting and/or pagination. * You may configure the {@link sort} and {@link pagination} properties to * customize sorting and pagination behaviors. * * Elements in the raw data array may be either objects (e.g. model objects) * or associative arrays (e.g. query results of DAO). * Make sure to set the {@link keyField} property to the name of the field that uniquely * identifies a data record or false if you do not have such a field. * * CArrayDataProvider may be used in the following way: * <pre> * $rawData=Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM tbl_user')->queryAll(); * // or using: $rawData=User::model()->findAll(); * $dataProvider=new CArrayDataProvider($rawData, array( * 'id'=>'user', * 'sort'=>array( * 'attributes'=>array( * 'id', 'username', 'email', * ), * ), * 'pagination'=>array( * 'pageSize'=>10, * ), * )); * // $dataProvider->getData() will return a list of arrays. * </pre> * * Note: if you want to use the sorting feature, you must configure {@link sort} property * so that the provider knows which columns can be sorted. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package system.web * @since 1.1.4 */ class CArrayDataProvider extends CDataProvider { /** * @var string the name of the key field. This is a field that uniquely identifies a * data record. In database this would be the primary key. * Defaults to 'id'. If it's set to false, keys of {@link rawData} array are used. */ public $keyField='id'; /** * @var array the data that is not paginated or sorted. When pagination is enabled, * this property usually contains more elements than {@link data}. * The array elements must use zero-based integer keys. */ public $rawData=array(); /** * @var boolean controls how sorting works. True value means that case will be * taken into account. False value will lead to the case insensitive sort. Default * value is true. * @since 1.1.13 */ public $caseSensitiveSort=true; /** * Constructor. * @param array $rawData the data that is not paginated or sorted. The array elements must use zero-based integer keys. * @param array $config configuration (name=>value) to be applied as the initial property values of this class. */ public function __construct($rawData,$config=array()) { $this->rawData=$rawData; foreach($config as $key=>$value) $this->$key=$value; } /** * Fetches the data from the persistent data storage. * @return array list of data items */ protected function fetchData() { if(($sort=$this->getSort())!==false && ($order=$sort->getOrderBy())!='') $this->sortData($this->getSortDirections($order)); if(($pagination=$this->getPagination())!==false) { $pagination->setItemCount($this->getTotalItemCount()); return array_slice($this->rawData, $pagination->getOffset(), $pagination->getLimit()); } else return $this->rawData; } /** * Fetches the data item keys from the persistent data storage. * @return array list of data item keys. */ protected function fetchKeys() { if($this->keyField===false) return array_keys($this->rawData); $keys=array(); foreach($this->getData() as $i=>$data) $keys[$i]=is_object($data) ? $data->{$this->keyField} : $data[$this->keyField]; return $keys; } /** * Calculates the total number of data items. * This method simply returns the number of elements in {@link rawData}. * @return integer the total number of data items. */ protected function calculateTotalItemCount() { return count($this->rawData); } /** * Sorts the raw data according to the specified sorting instructions. * After calling this method, {@link rawData} will be modified. * @param array $directions the sorting directions (field name => whether it is descending sort) */ protected function sortData($directions) { if(empty($directions) || empty($this->rawData)) return; $args=array(); $dummy=array(); foreach($directions as $name=>$descending) { $column=array(); $fields_array=preg_split('/\.+/',$name,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach($this->rawData as $index=>$data) $column[$index]=$this->getSortingFieldValue($data, $fields_array); $args[]=&$column; $dummy[]=&$column; unset($column); $direction=$descending ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC; $args[]=&$direction; $dummy[]=&$direction; unset($direction); } // This fix is used for cases when main sorting specified by columns has equal values // Without it it will lead to Fatal Error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? $args[]=range(1,count($this->rawData)); $args[]=SORT_ASC; $args[]=SORT_NUMERIC; $args[]=&$this->rawData; call_user_func_array('array_multisort', $args); } /** * Get field for sorting, using dot like delimiter in query. * @param mixed $data array or object * @param array $fields sorting fields in $data * @return mixed $data sorting field value */ protected function getSortingFieldValue($data, $fields) { if(is_object($data)) { foreach($fields as $field) $data=isset($data->$field) ? $data->$field : null; } else { foreach($fields as $field) $data=isset($data[$field]) ? $data[$field] : null; } return $this->caseSensitiveSort ? $data : mb_strtolower($data,Yii::app()->charset); } /** * Converts the "ORDER BY" clause into an array representing the sorting directions. * @param string $order the "ORDER BY" clause. * @return array the sorting directions (field name => whether it is descending sort) */ protected function getSortDirections($order) { $segs=explode(',',$order); $directions=array(); foreach($segs as $seg) { if(preg_match('/(.*?)(\s+(desc|asc))?$/i',trim($seg),$matches)) $directions[$matches[1]]=isset($matches[3]) && !strcasecmp($matches[3],'desc'); else $directions[trim($seg)]=false; } return $directions; } }