<?php /** * CLinkPager class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CLinkPager displays a list of hyperlinks that lead to different pages of target. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package system.web.widgets.pagers * @since 1.0 */ class CLinkPager extends CBasePager { const CSS_FIRST_PAGE='first'; const CSS_LAST_PAGE='last'; const CSS_PREVIOUS_PAGE='previous'; const CSS_NEXT_PAGE='next'; const CSS_INTERNAL_PAGE='page'; const CSS_HIDDEN_PAGE='hidden'; const CSS_SELECTED_PAGE='selected'; /** * @var string the CSS class for the first page button. Defaults to 'first'. * @since 1.1.11 */ public $firstPageCssClass=self::CSS_FIRST_PAGE; /** * @var string the CSS class for the last page button. Defaults to 'last'. * @since 1.1.11 */ public $lastPageCssClass=self::CSS_LAST_PAGE; /** * @var string the CSS class for the previous page button. Defaults to 'previous'. * @since 1.1.11 */ public $previousPageCssClass=self::CSS_PREVIOUS_PAGE; /** * @var string the CSS class for the next page button. Defaults to 'next'. * @since 1.1.11 */ public $nextPageCssClass=self::CSS_NEXT_PAGE; /** * @var string the CSS class for the internal page buttons. Defaults to 'page'. * @since 1.1.11 */ public $internalPageCssClass=self::CSS_INTERNAL_PAGE; /** * @var string the CSS class for the hidden page buttons. Defaults to 'hidden'. * @since 1.1.11 */ public $hiddenPageCssClass=self::CSS_HIDDEN_PAGE; /** * @var string the CSS class for the selected page buttons. Defaults to 'selected'. * @since 1.1.11 */ public $selectedPageCssClass=self::CSS_SELECTED_PAGE; /** * @var integer maximum number of page buttons that can be displayed. Defaults to 10. */ public $maxButtonCount=10; /** * @var string the text label for the next page button. Defaults to 'Next >'. * Setting this to false will disable this button. */ public $nextPageLabel; /** * @var string the text label for the previous page button. Defaults to '< Previous'. * Setting this to false will disable this button. */ public $prevPageLabel; /** * @var string the text label for the first page button. Defaults to '<< First'. * Setting this to false will disable this button. */ public $firstPageLabel; /** * @var string the text label for the last page button. Defaults to 'Last >>'. * Setting this to false will disable this button. */ public $lastPageLabel; /** * @var string the text shown before page buttons. Defaults to 'Go to page: '. */ public $header; /** * @var string the text shown after page buttons. */ public $footer=''; /** * @var mixed the CSS file used for the widget. Defaults to null, meaning * using the default CSS file included together with the widget. * If false, no CSS file will be used. Otherwise, the specified CSS file * will be included when using this widget. */ public $cssFile; /** * @var array HTML attributes for the pager container tag. */ public $htmlOptions=array(); /** * Initializes the pager by setting some default property values. */ public function init() { if($this->nextPageLabel===null) $this->nextPageLabel=Yii::t('yii','Next >'); if($this->prevPageLabel===null) $this->prevPageLabel=Yii::t('yii','< Previous'); if($this->firstPageLabel===null) $this->firstPageLabel=Yii::t('yii','<< First'); if($this->lastPageLabel===null) $this->lastPageLabel=Yii::t('yii','Last >>'); if($this->header===null) $this->header=Yii::t('yii','Go to page: '); if(!isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) $this->htmlOptions['id']=$this->getId(); if(!isset($this->htmlOptions['class'])) $this->htmlOptions['class']='yiiPager'; } /** * Executes the widget. * This overrides the parent implementation by displaying the generated page buttons. */ public function run() { $this->registerClientScript(); $buttons=$this->createPageButtons(); if(empty($buttons)) return; echo $this->header; echo CHtml::tag('ul',$this->htmlOptions,implode("\n",$buttons)); echo $this->footer; } /** * Creates the page buttons. * @return array a list of page buttons (in HTML code). */ protected function createPageButtons() { if(($pageCount=$this->getPageCount())<=1) return array(); list($beginPage,$endPage)=$this->getPageRange(); $currentPage=$this->getCurrentPage(false); // currentPage is calculated in getPageRange() $buttons=array(); // first page if ($this->firstPageLabel !== false) { $buttons[]=$this->createPageButton($this->firstPageLabel,0,$this->firstPageCssClass,$currentPage<=0,false); } // prev page if ($this->prevPageLabel !== false) { if(($page=$currentPage-1)<0) $page=0; $buttons[]=$this->createPageButton($this->prevPageLabel,$page,$this->previousPageCssClass,$currentPage<=0,false); } // internal pages for($i=$beginPage;$i<=$endPage;++$i) $buttons[]=$this->createPageButton($i+1,$i,$this->internalPageCssClass,false,$i==$currentPage); // next page if ($this->nextPageLabel !== false) { if(($page=$currentPage+1)>=$pageCount-1) $page=$pageCount-1; $buttons[]=$this->createPageButton($this->nextPageLabel,$page,$this->nextPageCssClass,$currentPage>=$pageCount-1,false); } // last page if ($this->lastPageLabel !== false) { $buttons[]=$this->createPageButton($this->lastPageLabel,$pageCount-1,$this->lastPageCssClass,$currentPage>=$pageCount-1,false); } return $buttons; } /** * Creates a page button. * You may override this method to customize the page buttons. * @param string $label the text label for the button * @param integer $page the page number * @param string $class the CSS class for the page button. * @param boolean $hidden whether this page button is visible * @param boolean $selected whether this page button is selected * @return string the generated button */ protected function createPageButton($label,$page,$class,$hidden,$selected) { if($hidden || $selected) $class.=' '.($hidden ? $this->hiddenPageCssClass : $this->selectedPageCssClass); return '<li class="'.$class.'">'.CHtml::link($label,$this->createPageUrl($page)).'</li>'; } /** * @return array the begin and end pages that need to be displayed. */ protected function getPageRange() { $currentPage=$this->getCurrentPage(); $pageCount=$this->getPageCount(); $beginPage=max(0, $currentPage-(int)($this->maxButtonCount/2)); if(($endPage=$beginPage+$this->maxButtonCount-1)>=$pageCount) { $endPage=$pageCount-1; $beginPage=max(0,$endPage-$this->maxButtonCount+1); } return array($beginPage,$endPage); } /** * Registers the needed client scripts (mainly CSS file). */ public function registerClientScript() { if($this->cssFile!==false) self::registerCssFile($this->cssFile); } /** * Registers the needed CSS file. * @param string $url the CSS URL. If null, a default CSS URL will be used. */ public static function registerCssFile($url=null) { if($url===null) $url=CHtml::asset(Yii::getPathOfAlias('system.web.widgets.pagers.pager').'.css'); Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile($url); } }