<?php /** * CListView class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ Yii::import('zii.widgets.CBaseListView'); /** * CListView displays a list of data items in terms of a list. * * Unlike {@link CGridView} which displays the data items in a table, CListView allows one to use * a view template to render each data item. As a result, CListView could generate more flexible * rendering result. * * CListView supports both sorting and pagination of the data items. The sorting * and pagination can be done in AJAX mode or normal page request. A benefit of using CListView is that * when the user browser disables JavaScript, the sorting and pagination automatically degenerate * to normal page requests and are still functioning as expected. * * CListView should be used together with a {@link IDataProvider data provider}, preferably a * {@link CActiveDataProvider}. * * The minimal code needed to use CListView is as follows: * * <pre> * $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Post'); * * $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array( * 'dataProvider'=>$dataProvider, * 'itemView'=>'_post', // refers to the partial view named '_post' * 'sortableAttributes'=>array( * 'title', * 'create_time'=>'Post Time', * ), * )); * </pre> * * The above code first creates a data provider for the <code>Post</code> ActiveRecord class. * It then uses CListView to display every data item as returned by the data provider. * The display is done via the partial view named '_post'. This partial view will be rendered * once for every data item. In the view, one can access the current data item via variable <code>$data</code>. * For more details, see {@link itemView}. * * In order to support sorting, one has to specify the {@link sortableAttributes} property. * By doing so, a list of hyperlinks that can sort the data will be displayed. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package zii.widgets * @since 1.1 */ class CListView extends CBaseListView { /** * @var string the view used for rendering each data item. * This property value will be passed as the first parameter to either {@link CController::renderPartial} * or {@link CWidget::render} to render each data item. * In the corresponding view template, the following variables can be used in addition to those declared in {@link viewData}: * <ul> * <li><code>$this</code>: refers to the owner of this list view widget. For example, if the widget is in the view of a controller, * then <code>$this</code> refers to the controller.</li> * <li><code>$data</code>: refers to the data item currently being rendered.</li> * <li><code>$index</code>: refers to the zero-based index of the data item currently being rendered.</li> * <li><code>$widget</code>: refers to this list view widget instance.</li> * </ul> */ public $itemView; /** * @var string the HTML code to be displayed between any two consecutive items. * @since 1.1.7 */ public $separator; /** * @var array additional data to be passed to {@link itemView} when rendering each data item. * This array will be extracted into local PHP variables that can be accessed in the {@link itemView}. */ public $viewData=array(); /** * @var array list of sortable attribute names. In order for an attribute to be sortable, it must also * appear as a sortable attribute in the {@link IDataProvider::sort} property of {@link dataProvider}. * @see enableSorting */ public $sortableAttributes; /** * @var string the template to be used to control the layout of various components in the list view. * These tokens are recognized: {summary}, {sorter}, {items} and {pager}. They will be replaced with the * summary text, the sort links, the data item list, and the pager. */ public $template="{summary}\n{sorter}\n{items}\n{pager}"; /** * @var string the CSS class name that will be assigned to the widget container element * when the widget is updating its content via AJAX. Defaults to 'list-view-loading'. * @since 1.1.1 */ public $loadingCssClass='list-view-loading'; /** * @var string the CSS class name for the sorter container. Defaults to 'sorter'. */ public $sorterCssClass='sorter'; /** * @var string the text shown before sort links. Defaults to 'Sort by: '. */ public $sorterHeader; /** * @var string the text shown after sort links. Defaults to empty. */ public $sorterFooter=''; /** * @var mixed the ID of the container whose content may be updated with an AJAX response. * Defaults to null, meaning the container for this list view instance. * If it is set false, it means sorting and pagination will be performed in normal page requests * instead of AJAX requests. If the sorting and pagination should trigger the update of multiple * containers' content in AJAX fashion, these container IDs may be listed here (separated with comma). */ public $ajaxUpdate; /** * @var string the jQuery selector of the HTML elements that may trigger AJAX updates when they are clicked. * If not set, the pagination links and the sorting links will trigger AJAX updates. * @since 1.1.7 */ public $updateSelector; /** * @var string a javascript function that will be invoked if an AJAX update error occurs. * * The function signature is <code>function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown, errorMessage)</code> * <ul> * <li><code>xhr</code> is the XMLHttpRequest object.</li> * <li><code>textStatus</code> is a string describing the type of error that occurred. * Possible values (besides null) are "timeout", "error", "notmodified" and "parsererror"</li> * <li><code>errorThrown</code> is an optional exception object, if one occurred.</li> * <li><code>errorMessage</code> is the CGridView default error message derived from xhr and errorThrown. * Usefull if you just want to display this error differently. CGridView by default displays this error with an javascript.alert()</li> * </ul> * Note: This handler is not called for JSONP requests, because they do not use an XMLHttpRequest. * * Example (add in a call to CGridView): * <pre> * ... * 'ajaxUpdateError'=>'function(xhr,ts,et,err,id){ $("#"+id).text(err); }', * ... * </pre> * @since 1.1.13 */ public $ajaxUpdateError; /** * @var string the name of the GET variable that indicates the request is an AJAX request triggered * by this widget. Defaults to 'ajax'. This is effective only when {@link ajaxUpdate} is not false. */ public $ajaxVar='ajax'; /** * @var mixed the URL for the AJAX requests should be sent to. {@link CHtml::normalizeUrl()} will be * called on this property. If not set, the current page URL will be used for AJAX requests. * @since 1.1.8 */ public $ajaxUrl; /** * @var string the type ('GET' or 'POST') of the AJAX requests. If not set, 'GET' will be used. * You can set this to 'POST' if you are filtering by many fields at once and have a problem with GET query string length. * Note that in POST mode direct links and {@link enableHistory} feature may not work correctly! * @since 1.1.14 */ public $ajaxType; /** * @var string a javascript function that will be invoked before an AJAX update occurs. * The function signature is <code>function(id)</code> where 'id' refers to the ID of the list view. */ public $beforeAjaxUpdate; /** * @var string a javascript function that will be invoked after a successful AJAX response is received. * The function signature is <code>function(id, data)</code> where 'id' refers to the ID of the list view * 'data' the received ajax response data. */ public $afterAjaxUpdate; /** * @var string the base script URL for all list view resources (e.g. javascript, CSS file, images). * Defaults to null, meaning using the integrated list view resources (which are published as assets). */ public $baseScriptUrl; /** * @var string the URL of the CSS file used by this list view. Defaults to null, meaning using the integrated * CSS file. If this is set false, you are responsible to explicitly include the necessary CSS file in your page. */ public $cssFile; /** * @var string the HTML tag name for the container of all data item display. Defaults to 'div'. * @since 1.1.4 */ public $itemsTagName='div'; /** * @var boolean whether to leverage the {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.history DOM history object}. Set this property to true * to persist state of list across page revisits. Note, there are two limitations for this feature: * - this feature is only compatible with browsers that support HTML5. * - expect unexpected functionality (e.g. multiple ajax calls) if there is more than one grid/list on a single page with enableHistory turned on. * @since 1.1.11 */ public $enableHistory=false; /** * Initializes the list view. * This method will initialize required property values and instantiate {@link columns} objects. */ public function init() { if($this->itemView===null) throw new CException(Yii::t('zii','The property "itemView" cannot be empty.')); parent::init(); if(!isset($this->htmlOptions['class'])) $this->htmlOptions['class']='list-view'; if($this->baseScriptUrl===null) $this->baseScriptUrl=Yii::app()->getAssetManager()->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('zii.widgets.assets')).'/listview'; if($this->cssFile!==false) { if($this->cssFile===null) $this->cssFile=$this->baseScriptUrl.'/styles.css'; Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile($this->cssFile); } } /** * Registers necessary client scripts. */ public function registerClientScript() { $id=$this->getId(); if($this->ajaxUpdate===false) $ajaxUpdate=array(); else $ajaxUpdate=array_unique(preg_split('/\s*,\s*/',$this->ajaxUpdate.','.$id,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); $options=array( 'ajaxUpdate'=>$ajaxUpdate, 'ajaxVar'=>$this->ajaxVar, 'pagerClass'=>$this->pagerCssClass, 'loadingClass'=>$this->loadingCssClass, 'sorterClass'=>$this->sorterCssClass, 'enableHistory'=>$this->enableHistory ); if($this->ajaxUrl!==null) $options['url']=CHtml::normalizeUrl($this->ajaxUrl); if($this->ajaxType!==null) $options['ajaxType']=strtoupper($this->ajaxType); if($this->updateSelector!==null) $options['updateSelector']=$this->updateSelector; foreach(array('beforeAjaxUpdate', 'afterAjaxUpdate', 'ajaxUpdateError') as $event) { if($this->$event!==null) { if($this->$event instanceof CJavaScriptExpression) $options[$event]=$this->$event; else $options[$event]=new CJavaScriptExpression($this->$event); } } $options=CJavaScript::encode($options); $cs=Yii::app()->getClientScript(); $cs->registerCoreScript('jquery'); $cs->registerCoreScript('bbq'); if($this->enableHistory) $cs->registerCoreScript('history'); $cs->registerScriptFile($this->baseScriptUrl.'/jquery.yiilistview.js',CClientScript::POS_END); $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__.'#'.$id,"jQuery('#$id').yiiListView($options);"); } /** * Renders the data item list. */ public function renderItems() { echo CHtml::openTag($this->itemsTagName,array('class'=>$this->itemsCssClass))."\n"; $data=$this->dataProvider->getData(); if(($n=count($data))>0) { $owner=$this->getOwner(); $viewFile=$owner->getViewFile($this->itemView); $j=0; foreach($data as $i=>$item) { $data=$this->viewData; $data['index']=$i; $data['data']=$item; $data['widget']=$this; $owner->renderFile($viewFile,$data); if($j++ < $n-1) echo $this->separator; } } else $this->renderEmptyText(); echo CHtml::closeTag($this->itemsTagName); } /** * Renders the sorter. */ public function renderSorter() { if($this->dataProvider->getItemCount()<=0 || !$this->enableSorting || empty($this->sortableAttributes)) return; echo CHtml::openTag('div',array('class'=>$this->sorterCssClass))."\n"; echo $this->sorterHeader===null ? Yii::t('zii','Sort by: ') : $this->sorterHeader; echo "<ul>\n"; $sort=$this->dataProvider->getSort(); foreach($this->sortableAttributes as $name=>$label) { echo "<li>"; if(is_integer($name)) echo $sort->link($label); else echo $sort->link($name,$label); echo "</li>\n"; } echo "</ul>"; echo $this->sorterFooter; echo CHtml::closeTag('div'); } }