<?php /** * CBaseController class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * CBaseController is the base class for {@link CController} and {@link CWidget}. * * It provides the common functionalities shared by controllers who need to render views. * * CBaseController also implements the support for the following features: * <ul> * <li>{@link CClipWidget Clips} : a clip is a piece of captured output that can be inserted elsewhere.</li> * <li>{@link CWidget Widgets} : a widget is a self-contained sub-controller with its own view and model.</li> * <li>{@link COutputCache Fragment cache} : fragment cache selectively caches a portion of the output.</li> * </ul> * * To use a widget in a view, use the following in the view: * <pre> * $this->widget('path.to.widgetClass',array('property1'=>'value1',...)); * </pre> * or * <pre> * $this->beginWidget('path.to.widgetClass',array('property1'=>'value1',...)); * // ... display other contents here * $this->endWidget(); * </pre> * * To create a clip, use the following: * <pre> * $this->beginClip('clipID'); * // ... display the clip contents * $this->endClip(); * </pre> * Then, in a different view or place, the captured clip can be inserted as: * <pre> * echo $this->clips['clipID']; * </pre> * * Note that $this in the code above refers to current controller so, for example, * if you need to access clip from a widget where $this refers to widget itself * you need to do it the following way: * * <pre> * echo $this->getController()->clips['clipID']; * </pre> * * To use fragment cache, do as follows, * <pre> * if($this->beginCache('cacheID',array('property1'=>'value1',...)) * { * // ... display the content to be cached here * $this->endCache(); * } * </pre> * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package system.web * @since 1.0 */ abstract class CBaseController extends CComponent { private $_widgetStack=array(); /** * Returns the view script file according to the specified view name. * This method must be implemented by child classes. * @param string $viewName view name * @return string the file path for the named view. False if the view cannot be found. */ abstract public function getViewFile($viewName); /** * Renders a view file. * * @param string $viewFile view file path * @param array $data data to be extracted and made available to the view * @param boolean $return whether the rendering result should be returned instead of being echoed * @return string the rendering result. Null if the rendering result is not required. * @throws CException if the view file does not exist */ public function renderFile($viewFile,$data=null,$return=false) { $widgetCount=count($this->_widgetStack); if(($renderer=Yii::app()->getViewRenderer())!==null && $renderer->fileExtension==='.'.CFileHelper::getExtension($viewFile)) $content=$renderer->renderFile($this,$viewFile,$data,$return); else $content=$this->renderInternal($viewFile,$data,$return); if(count($this->_widgetStack)===$widgetCount) return $content; else { $widget=end($this->_widgetStack); throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','{controller} contains improperly nested widget tags in its view "{view}". A {widget} widget does not have an endWidget() call.', array('{controller}'=>get_class($this), '{view}'=>$viewFile, '{widget}'=>get_class($widget)))); } } /** * Renders a view file. * This method includes the view file as a PHP script * and captures the display result if required. * @param string $_viewFile_ view file * @param array $_data_ data to be extracted and made available to the view file * @param boolean $_return_ whether the rendering result should be returned as a string * @return string the rendering result. Null if the rendering result is not required. */ public function renderInternal($_viewFile_,$_data_=null,$_return_=false) { // we use special variable names here to avoid conflict when extracting data if(is_array($_data_)) extract($_data_,EXTR_PREFIX_SAME,'data'); else $data=$_data_; if($_return_) { ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); require($_viewFile_); return ob_get_clean(); } else require($_viewFile_); } /** * Creates a widget and initializes it. * This method first creates the specified widget instance. * It then configures the widget's properties with the given initial values. * At the end it calls {@link CWidget::init} to initialize the widget. * Starting from version 1.1, if a {@link CWidgetFactory widget factory} is enabled, * this method will use the factory to create the widget, instead. * @param string $className class name (can be in path alias format) * @param array $properties initial property values * @return CWidget the fully initialized widget instance. */ public function createWidget($className,$properties=array()) { $widget=Yii::app()->getWidgetFactory()->createWidget($this,$className,$properties); $widget->init(); return $widget; } /** * Creates a widget and executes it. * @param string $className the widget class name or class in dot syntax (e.g. application.widgets.MyWidget) * @param array $properties list of initial property values for the widget (Property Name => Property Value) * @param boolean $captureOutput whether to capture the output of the widget. If true, the method will capture * and return the output generated by the widget. If false, the output will be directly sent for display * and the widget object will be returned. This parameter is available since version 1.1.2. * @return mixed the widget instance when $captureOutput is false, or the widget output when $captureOutput is true. * @throws Exception */ public function widget($className,$properties=array(),$captureOutput=false) { if($captureOutput) { ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); try { $widget=$this->createWidget($className,$properties); $widget->run(); } catch(Exception $e) { ob_end_clean(); throw $e; } return ob_get_clean(); } else { $widget=$this->createWidget($className,$properties); $widget->run(); return $widget; } } /** * Creates a widget and executes it. * This method is similar to {@link widget()} except that it is expecting * a {@link endWidget()} call to end the execution. * @param string $className the widget class name or class in dot syntax (e.g. application.widgets.MyWidget) * @param array $properties list of initial property values for the widget (Property Name => Property Value) * @return CWidget the widget created to run * @see endWidget */ public function beginWidget($className,$properties=array()) { $widget=$this->createWidget($className,$properties); $this->_widgetStack[]=$widget; return $widget; } /** * Ends the execution of the named widget. * This method is used together with {@link beginWidget()}. * @param string $id optional tag identifying the method call for debugging purpose. * @return CWidget the widget just ended running * @throws CException if an extra endWidget call is made * @see beginWidget */ public function endWidget($id='') { if(($widget=array_pop($this->_widgetStack))!==null) { $widget->run(); return $widget; } else throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','{controller} has an extra endWidget({id}) call in its view.', array('{controller}'=>get_class($this),'{id}'=>$id))); } /** * Begins recording a clip. * This method is a shortcut to beginning {@link CClipWidget}. * @param string $id the clip ID. * @param array $properties initial property values for {@link CClipWidget}. */ public function beginClip($id,$properties=array()) { $properties['id']=$id; $this->beginWidget('CClipWidget',$properties); } /** * Ends recording a clip. * This method is an alias to {@link endWidget}. */ public function endClip() { $this->endWidget('CClipWidget'); } /** * Begins fragment caching. * This method will display cached content if it is availabe. * If not, it will start caching and would expect a {@link endCache()} * call to end the cache and save the content into cache. * A typical usage of fragment caching is as follows, * <pre> * if($this->beginCache($id)) * { * // ...generate content here * $this->endCache(); * } * </pre> * @param string $id a unique ID identifying the fragment to be cached. * @param array $properties initial property values for {@link COutputCache}. * @return boolean whether we need to generate content for caching. False if cached version is available. * @see endCache */ public function beginCache($id,$properties=array()) { $properties['id']=$id; $cache=$this->beginWidget('COutputCache',$properties); if($cache->getIsContentCached()) { $this->endCache(); return false; } else return true; } /** * Ends fragment caching. * This is an alias to {@link endWidget}. * @see beginCache */ public function endCache() { $this->endWidget('COutputCache'); } /** * Begins the rendering of content that is to be decorated by the specified view. * @param mixed $view the name of the view that will be used to decorate the content. The actual view script * is resolved via {@link getViewFile}. If this parameter is null (default), * the default layout will be used as the decorative view. * Note that if the current controller does not belong to * any module, the default layout refers to the application's {@link CWebApplication::layout default layout}; * If the controller belongs to a module, the default layout refers to the module's * {@link CWebModule::layout default layout}. * @param array $data the variables (name=>value) to be extracted and made available in the decorative view. * @see endContent * @see CContentDecorator */ public function beginContent($view=null,$data=array()) { $this->beginWidget('CContentDecorator',array('view'=>$view, 'data'=>$data)); } /** * Ends the rendering of content. * @see beginContent */ public function endContent() { $this->endWidget('CContentDecorator'); } }